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Mechanical Diploma Engineering

#Subject TitleAbbreviationSub CodeTeaching SchemePaper HRSTH (1)PR (4)OR (8)TW (9)SW (16001)
1Basic PhysicsPHY12001TH-03,TU--, PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max-50, Min-20Max--, Min--Max--, Min--50
2Basic ChemistryCHY12002TH-03,TU--, PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max-50, Min-20Max--, Min--Max--, Min--50
3Basic MathematicsBMS12003TH-04,TU-01, PR--03Max-100, Min-40Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--50
4EnglishENG12004TH-03,TU--, PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25, Min-1050
5Engineering GraphicsEGG12005 TH-02,TU--,PR-04--Max--, Min--Max-50#, Min-20Max--, Min--Max-50, Min-2050
6Computer FundamentalsCMF12006 TH--,TU--,PR-04--Max--,Min--Max-50*#, Min-20Max--,Min--Max-50,Min-2050
7Development of Life Skills-IDLS12018 TH-01,TU--,PR-02--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25#, Min-10Max-25, Min-10
Basic Workshop Practice (Civil Group)WPC12007 TH-01,TU--, PR-04--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25, Min-2050
Basic Workshop Practice (Electrical Group)WPE12008 TH-01,TU--, PR-04--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25, Min-2050
Basic Workshop Practice (Electronics Group)WPX12009 TH-01,TU--, PR-04--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25, Min-2050
Basic Workshop Practice (Mechanical & Chemical Group)WPM12010 TH-01,TU--, PR-04--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25, Min-2050
Basic Workshop Practice (Computer Group)WPI12011 TH-01,TU--, PR-04--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25, Min-2050
TotalTH-16, TU,01, PR-218400200--12550
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 35 Hrs.
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 35 Hrs. Theory and practical periods of 60 minutes each. Total Marks : 775
Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, * On Line Examination, No Theory Examination.
Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, ,OR-Oral, TW- Termwork, SW- Sessional Work
 Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work(SW).
 Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms
 Code number for TH, PR, OR and TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code as mentioned.
#Subject TitleAbbreviationSub CodeTeaching SchemePaper HRSTH (1)PR (4)OR (8)TW (9)SW (16001)
1Communication SkillsCMS12012TH-02,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max-25#,Min--Max-25,Min--
2Engineering MathematicsEMS12013TH-03, TU-01,PR--03Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--
3Applied Science (Mechanical)ASM12014TH-04,TU--,PR-0403Max-100,Min-40Max-50, Min-20Max--,Min--Max--,Min--
4Engineering MechanicsEGM12015TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25,Min-10
5Engineering DrawingEDG12016TH-01,TU--,PR-0403Max-100, Min-40Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-50, Min-10
6Workshop PracticeWPC12017 TH--,TU--,PR-04--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-50,Min-20
7Development of Life Skills-IDLS12018 TH-01,TU--,PR-02--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25#, Min-10Max-25,Min-10
8Professional Practices-IIPPS12019 TH--,TU--,PR-02--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-50,Min-20
TotalTH-14, TU,01,PR-20500505022550
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 35 Hrs.
Total Marks : 875
Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, No Theory Examination.

Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Termwork, SW- Sessional Work
 Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW).
 Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms.
 Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code.
#Subject TitleAbbreviationSub CodeTeaching SchemePaper HRSTH (1)PR (4)OR (8)TW (9)SW (16001)
1Applied Mathematics ØAMS12035TH-03, TU--,PR--03Max-100, Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--
2Mechanical Engineering Drawing ØMED12042TH-03,TU--,PR-0404Max--, Min--Max-100, Min-40Max-25#, Min-10Max-25, Min-10
3Strength Of Materials ØSOM12043TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25,Min-10
4Mechanical Engineering Materials $MEM12044TH-03 , TU--,PR--03Max-100, Min-40Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--,Min--
5Electrical EngineeringEEG12045TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max-25, Min-10Max--,Min--Max--,Min--
6Manufacturing TechnologyMTE12046TH-02, TU--,PR-04--Max--,Min--Max-50#, Min-20Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
7Development of Life Skills- II ØDLS12041TH-01, TU--,PR-02--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25#, Min-10Max-25, Min-10
8Professional Practices - III $PPS12047TH--, TU--,PR-03--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-50 , Min-20
TotalTH-18, TU,0,PR-17500755015050
Total Marks : 825
Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $- common to ME / PT, Ø - common to ME / PT / AE / PG
Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Termwork, SW- Sessional Work
 Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW).
 Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms.
 Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code.
#Subject TitleAbbreviationSub CodeTeaching SchemePaper HRSTH (1)PR (4)OR (8)TW (9)SW (16001)
1Theory of Machines & Mechanisms ØTMM12089TH-04,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25,Min-10
2Fundamentals of Electronics $FEL12090TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max-50,Min-20Max--,Min--Max--,Min--
3Production Processes $PPO12091TH-02, TU--,PR-04043Max-100, Min-40Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25, Min-10
4Thermal EngineeringTEG12092TH-04,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max-25#, Min-10Max-25, Min-10
5Fluid Mechanics and Machinery $FMM12093TH-04,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max-25#, Min-10Max-25, Min-10
6Computer Programming ØCPR12094 TH-01, TU-1,PR-02--Max--,Min--Max-50 ,Min-20Max--,Min--Max--,Min--
7Professional Practices - IV $PPR12095TH--, TU--,PR-03--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-50 ,Min-20
TotalTH-18, TU,0,PR-175001005015050
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 35 Hrs.
Total Marks : 850
Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $- Common to ME/PT/MH/FE, Ø - Common to ME/PT/AE/MH/FE
Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Termwork, SW- Sessional Work.
 Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW).
 Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms.
 Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code.
#Subject TitleAbbreviationSub CodeTeaching SchemePaper HRSTH (1)PR (4)OR (8)TW (9)SW (16001)
1Advanced Manufacturing Processes $AMP12154TH-03, TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25, Min-10
2Power EngineeringPEN12155TH-04,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max-50# ,Min-20Max--,Min--Max-25,Min-10
3Measurements & Control $MCO12156TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max-25,Min-10
4Heating, Ventilation and Air ConditioningHVA12235TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10Max--,Min--
5ELECTIVE – I (Any One)
Tool EngineeringTEN12158 TH-03, TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
Power Plant EngineeringPPE12160 TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
Mechatronics ØMEC12161 TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
6Industrial Project & Entrepreneurship DevelopmentØIPE12162 TH-01, TU-01,PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
7Professional Practices-VPPR12163 TH--, TU--,PR-04--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-50,Min-20
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 35 Hrs.
Total Marks : 850
Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $- Common to ME/PG/PT/MH/FE, Ø - Common to ME/PT/AE/MH/FE
Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Termwork, SW- Sessional Work.
 Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW).
 Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms.
 Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code.
#Subject TitleAbbreviationSub CodeTeaching SchemePaper HRSTH (1)PR (4)OR (8)TW (9)SW (16001)
1Management ØMAN12219TH-03, TU--,PR--03Max-100,Min-40Max--, Min--Max--, Min--Max--, Min--
2Design of Machine ElementsDME12241TH-04,TU--,PR-0203Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max-25# ,Min-10Max-25,Min-10
3Industrial Fluid Power $IFP12242TH-04,TU--,PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--, Min--Max-25# ,Min-10Max-25,Min-10
4Production Technology $PTE12243TH-04, TU--,PR--03Max-100,Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--
5Industrial Project $IPR12248TH--,TU--,PR-06--Max--, Min--Max--,Min--Max-50#, Min-20Max-50, Min-20
6Professional Practices - VI $TPPSEN12249 TH--, TU--,PR-05--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-50, Min-20
7ELECTIVE – II (Any One)
Alternate Energy Sources & Management $AES12244 TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
Material Handling SystemsMHS12245 TH-03,TU--,PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
Refrigeration & Air- ConditioningRAC12246 TH-01, TU-01,PR-0203Max-100, Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
CAD-CAM & AutomationCCA12247 TH--, TU--,PR-0403Max-100, Min-40Max--,Min--Max--,Min--Max-25, Min-10
TotalTH-18, TU--,PR-17500--10017550
Student Contact Hours Per Week: 35 Hrs.
Total Marks : 825
Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, No Theory Examination, $- Common to ME/PG/PT/MH/MI, Ø - Common to ME/PT/AE/MH/FE
Abbreviations: TH-Theory, TU- Tutorial, PR-Practical, OR-Oral, TW- Termwork, SW- Sessional Work.
• Conduct two class tests each of 25 marks for each theory subject. Sum of the total test marks of all subjects is to be converted out of 50 marks as sessional work (SW).
• Progressive evaluation is to be done by subject teacher as per the prevailing curriculum implementation and assessment norms.
• Code number for TH, PR, OR, TW are to be given as suffix 1, 4, 8, 9 respectively to the subject code.